Trying To Pick The Best Dividend Stocks For Retirement?
Are You Retired?
Are You About to Retire?
Do you have a hope of retiring some day?
If you answered YES to any of these three questions, then you must read this article from start to finish.

So many times I see people about to retire… and they have no idea what their finances will look like. They don’t know how much money they’ll have to spend… they don’t know what their retirement income will look like.
Every day Retirees wake up worried about how they will pay their bills…
And that’s not a good way to spend your golden years.
You want to be free, and happy, and travel, and spend time with friends and family. You want to enjoy retirement… not worry about money.
And I’m here to show you exactly how to put your worries at ease…
First, let’s start with the money.
When you showed up to you job, what are you doing?
You’re trading your time (work) for money. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do… when you work, you’re trading time for money. You’ve made a commitment to show up to work, put in an honest 40 hours a week (or more) and in return, you get paid cash.
Now think of this…
In retirement, it’s all flipped around.
In retirement, you use your money to buy time. Your retirement dollars allow you to spend your time on exactly what you want to do. You trade dollars for time.
I know it’s a simple way to think of things… but you know it’s right.
Retirement is all about using your money to buy time.
So how do you get the biggest bang for your buck? How do you maximize your retirement? How do you extract the biggest paycheck from your retirement savings?
Specifically Dividend Matching!
Now, I know what you’re thinking – what the heck is dividend matching? It’s a simple idea. But first, let me share something with you…
Why dividends are critical to retirement.
Get Your Free Copy “Ultimate Guide To Dividend Investing”
The report includes 13 Dividend Stocks to Buy Today!
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When you’re looking to retire, in my mind there’s nothing better than dividend stocks. Why? If you pick them right… the dividend pays a nice paycheck… and if you pick the right company… the dividend grows over time.
Here’s an example.
Take a look at Coke (KO). This is a stock that Warren Buffett loves. And the reason is obvious.

This is a 30 year chart of KO. As you can see, adjusted for splits, the stock was under $1 a share 30 years ago ($0.90 on January 2, 1986) . Today, it’s over $45. a share… an impressive gain of 5,054%.
But that’s not the exciting part…
Back in 1986, the stock paid a nice dividend, split adjusted, of $0.01625 per share. I know it doesn’t seem like a lot, but consider this… the stock dividend was growing. By 1991 the payout was $0.03 a share… by 1999 it was $0.08 cents a share… by 2005 it was $0.14 a share… and the last dividend payout was 0.35 cents a share.
The dividend grew… 2,053.8%
All told, for every $0.90 cent share you bought, you would have received $14.99 in dividends!
That’s 16.6 times your money in cold hard cash!
Not to mention the stock went up too…
Coke (KO) made a lot of retirees very, very happy.
These are the types of companies that you want to buy… companies with strong business models that throw off cash, and constantly raise their dividend, year after year.
So how do you pick those great dividend stocks just like Coke (KO)?
I’ve put together 10 rules of Dividend investing and they will help you find and invest in those perfect dividend stocks.
Ready? Here they are:
- Get a dividend investing plan and stick to it.
- Start NOW – Don’t drag your feet.
- Keep your investing plan simple.
- Investing CONSISTENTLY is more important than investing BIG!
- Always invest for the long term.
- Understand what dividend stocks you’re buying.
- Be a business owner, not a stock trader.
- Stock up when your dividend stocks are on sale!
- Don’t avoid “Pass Through Entities” as investments.
- Finally, with dividend investing, boring is good.
Now, I don’t have time to get into all the details of each of these rules… or the follow-up questions you need to ask.
But, what I’ve done is put together a free report – the Ultimate Guide for Investing In Dividend Stocks.
You can download your free copy by signing up here.
In the report, I go over each of these 10 Dividend Stock Investing rules in detail… I touch on the 4 critical questions you need to ask, and expose the 4 investing metrics you need to focus on.
I also share exactly what “Dividend Matching” is, and why it’s critical to use in retirement!
But that’s not all, in addition, I share 13 stocks for a great Dividend Portfolio.